From the course: Creative Problem Solving for Technologists

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Challenge: Rewrite your problem

Challenge: Rewrite your problem

- [Instructor] Let's look at one of the problems I wrote down. It's hard to understand security problems that people have found. I've already focused in on vulnerabilities, but that's not going far enough towards a solution. My solution, really our solution, the CVE doesn't solve that problem, but it makes it easier for anyone writing about a vulnerability to say I think this vulnerability is the same one they're talking about over there and I'm expressing that by using the same CVE identifier to tag it. So now, my problem statement is it's hard to correlate information about vulnerabilities, and it turns out that's not only solvable, but the solution is incredibly useful, because it allows operations and vulnerability management to collaborate on patching. So my challenge to you is to rewrite your problem. After this video, pause and take some time to work on this. As you've learned in this chapter, narrowing…
