From the course: Creating Illustrator Infographics

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Using symbols

Using symbols

- [Instructor] As soon as you have a piece of artwork that repeats two or more times inside of your infographic project, you should perhaps investigate changing that to a symbol and using instances of that instead. Now if you've never used symbols before, you could go and check that out in my Illustrator Essentials training and pop back. But very briefly, I'm going to show you that there are various symbol instances here on this piece of artwork. And the parent of those symbols lives here in the Symbols panel. I'm just going to double click on this port icon. Here it is, this is the actual parent of those symbols just here. And I'm going to make a very quick change to this. I'm going to change the color of the anchor graphic just there to blue, and then I'll double click outside. And when I come back out, all of the anchors are now blue. I'm just going to undo past that, so we're back where we were before. And we'll…
