From the course: Creating Illustrator Infographics

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Graphic styles

Graphic styles

- [Instructor] In Illustrator, it's not just type that can benefit from the advantages of styles, but Graphic Styles can work with our objects. What I'm going to do is I'm going to open my Appearance panel just here. And if you can't see that in your layout, you'll find it and the Graphic Styles panel inside of your window menu. So let's go ahead here and click on this first rectangle here. And we can see in the Appearance panel that this has no stroke and a dark gray fill. Let's just tap D on our keyboard and see how that changes. You'll see now that it has a black stroke of one point and a white fill. That's because it's using the default appearance, which is itself a Graphic Style. If we switch to the Graphic Styles panel, which should be nested with the Appearance panel, you can see that style just here. And, of course, if you are working in your own blank illustrated document, then you'll see other styles here…
