From the course: Creating Illustrator Infographics

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Creating data markers

Creating data markers

- [Instructor] Creating a data marker is a tad more fiddly than creating a sliding column design mainly because we need one of the default data markers in order to build one. So I'm just going to go ahead here and zoom in on this line chart, which has some data markers on it, so you'd need a kind of chart that has markers to make this work and then I'm going to get my group selection tool which is nested with the direct selection tool and click on that data marker. I can then copy that to the clipboard and I'll zoom out a little bit and move away from the chart there and then paste that down. So this marker has to remain unchanged in terms of its dimension, right? It can't be made bigger, or wider, or taller in any way, shape or form. It can have its appearance taken away which is what I'm going to do very, very shortly, okay, but for now, so we can see it as I work, I'll leave it as is. I'm going to tap L on my…
