From the course: Creating Illustrator Infographics

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Choosing colors

Choosing colors

- [Instructor] Colors in infographics can be used to encode information so they're not there just for decoration, and are quite important for a number of reasons, and that's a challenge that everybody faces when they are putting together any form of information graphic. What I'm going to show you here are some very reliable ways of choosing colors that work well together because it's always best to have some kind of system related to color rather than choosing them randomly from the shortest palette for example. What I am going to do to start off with here in this shape, which will actually house a map eventually inside of this project, is I'm going to choose a color from the graphic that I have here. So I'm going to tap I on my keyboard, that gets me the eyedropper tool and then move over a color I think I like. Hold down shift and then click to pick that color from the graphic. Now that I have that, I…
