From the course: Creating Illustrator Infographics

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Bubble charts

Bubble charts

- [Instructor] Bubble charts are another kind of area chart that you see quite often in infographics, and very often associated with maps. They're great for showing the proportions of certain things in certain geographical areas for example. Now before we look at how to do them the right way, let's have a look at how to do them the wrong way, but unfortunately this is a way that a lot of people approach this. Let's assume that we have two values to represent on a map. Five and 10. And so we bring out a graphic, and we determine the size of it. There is representing five units. Then think, "Right, okay. 10, so 10 is twice five." And what they do people who make this mistake is they use diameter. Now, if I bring a 10 out using that scheme, you can see here that it clearly is not double that. Okay, it might be in terms of diameter but with this graphic here, I could go ahead and actually put that into…
