From the course: Creating a Unique Competitive Advantage

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Unique competitive advantage: Company examples

Unique competitive advantage: Company examples

From the course: Creating a Unique Competitive Advantage

Unique competitive advantage: Company examples

- I want to do a little warm-up exercise to kind of get you in the mode of thinking about unique competitive advantage. So what I've done is I've picked four companies that are very well known. So let's take a first look at Nordstroms, one of my favorite companies. I love going into a Nordstroms. As a customer, I have to think, "What is their unique competitive advantage?" So I want you to think about that and answer that question. For me, and what they've done, and they've established in their business, is exceptional customer services. In fact in the early days, somebody went into a Nordstroms and they returned a pair of jeans. They were about ten years' old, they were dirty and they were ripped and you know what? Nordstroms took 'em back. And so they became known as the company that would take back anything. And that speaks to their core value which is, "We love our customers, we care about our customers, "and…
