From the course: Creating a Skills-Based Organization

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Reduce bias and increase support of DEI

Reduce bias and increase support of DEI

From the course: Creating a Skills-Based Organization

Reduce bias and increase support of DEI

- In today's workplace, what matters most are the skills that somebody has and their willingness to use them to produce a result. This philosophy is at the heart of a skills-based organization, and it's very well-aligned with an organization's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, otherwise known as DEI. The first reason a skills-based organization can help DEI efforts is because when an organization prioritizes assessing a person's skills first, it helps them to check their own conscious and unconscious bias from playing a role in decision-making. For example, despite a degree not being necessary to perform the tasks associated with many jobs, there are plenty of organizations that still require a candidate to obtain a degree to be hired or promoted. This can have a negative and an unnecessary impact on Black, Hispanic, and other historically underserved communities. I want you to consider this. Among…
