From the course: Contracting for Consultants

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Helpful contracting tips

Helpful contracting tips

- A few simple tips can make your contracting go more smoothly and result in a better deal for you. Here's some of my favorites. Minimize the size of numbers. Instead of saying, "The client will pay $60,000 "for 300 hours of services," say, "The client will pay $200 per hour of services rendered. "The consultant will provide up to 300 hours of service." Those are much smaller numbers. That's a lot easier to accept and approve on the client side. Specify expenses in words verses in numbers. If you say, "The client will pay up to $15,000 "in travel expenses," they'll likely negotiate that number. It's a big dollar amount. If, instead, you say, "The client will reimburse "for actual travel expenses," it's more likely to be accepted as written with no negotiation. Require a minimum purchase of services. A lot of effort goes into selling, proposing, and contracting for an engagement. You don't get paid for that time. If the client uses 60 hours of your time contracting and then only does a…
