From the course: Contracting for Consultants

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Establish deliverable ownership

Establish deliverable ownership

From the course: Contracting for Consultants

Establish deliverable ownership

- When you complete your work for the client, it needs to be clear who owns that work product, and what they can do with it. Most times, your work will be treated as work made for hire, in which case, the client has full ownership of it, and can do anything it wants with it, provided it doesn't breach other contract elements. This is pretty standard. In some cases, you'll retain ownership of the work, and the client will have limited use of it. Those limits must be clearly specified in the contract. Expect your client's initial negotiating position to be one where they own everything you do for them, and for intellectual property you provide, you'll give them perpetual, unrestricted, royalty and license fee free, global rights to do with it whatever they want. That's asking for a lot. If you give them those rights, your intellectual property becomes theirs. They can do whatever they want with it, including reselling it, sharing it with others, and even competing with you. While that's…
