From the course: Content Marketing Funnel for Creators

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Building your landing page

Building your landing page

- [Instructor] This is an example of a landing page software known as Leadpages. With Leadpages, you can create your own sales pages and opt-in pages that you can include as part of your marketing funnel. You can also start a free trial, have a play about with it, and see if it's the right fit for you. Other landing page softwares also offer free trials as well so you can compare and contrast. Leadpages is a premium software and you might want to shop around to make sure you are getting the best deal, but also look at some of the features and see if you feel like you'll need any of these as part of your creation process for your landing pages. This is what the inside of Leadpages will look like once you sign up for an account. There are a number of different pages that you can create. The most important one for you as a creator will be your sales pages and also your lead capture pages. These pages are relatively easy to…
