From the course: Consulting Foundations: Building Your Sales System

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Finding your client avatar

Finding your client avatar

- When it comes to growing a consulting business, it would seem that any business is good business, right? Isn't that the goal, to get new clients? But bringing on the wrong clients will actually do more to hinder growth than it will do to help it. Growing your consulting practice and increasing sales is about attracting, retaining, and developing your client avatar, your ideal client, those prospects and potential clients that are most likely to do business with you, can benefit the most from your services, and are willing to pay for your services and they'll refer your other clients just as great as they are. When it comes to attracting the ideal clients, you cannot rely on a build it and they will come model. No, you have to be proactive, make a consistent effort to get out the door, engage with your client avatar, so you can turn these prospects into customers. Finding your ideal client is not an exact science but there are steps and actions that you can take that together will…
