From the course: Confronting Bias: Thriving Across Our Differences

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What can you do if you say or do the wrong thing?

What can you do if you say or do the wrong thing?

From the course: Confronting Bias: Thriving Across Our Differences

What can you do if you say or do the wrong thing?

- So the main thing you have to be okay with if you're going to be an inclusive person and make connections across difference is that you're going to make mistakes. It is not a mistake-free process. So like if you are like a perfectionist, this is really not your gig, right? So this is really not about perfection. This is about connection. And when you connect and maybe you haven't connected before, you're sometimes going to say the wrong thing. This is what I say. If you say the wrong thing, apologize. Apologize. And if someone is kind enough to share with you the impact of your statement on them, see it as a gift. See it as an opportunity to maybe change something or maybe it was the tone of your voice or maybe it's what you said before you said that thing, but the person is giving you information. Usually, what I hear is that when someone says, hey, that was really offensive. Someone goes, well, that's not what I meant, that's not what I meant, you got it wrong! You're being overly…
