From the course: Conflict Resolution Foundations

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Increasing your conflict capacity

Increasing your conflict capacity

- Have you ever noticed that what we don't like in others is often what we don't like in ourselves? These dislikes are our triggers. So in this video, we're going to walk through the Conflict Capacity Exercise, and I recommend pausing between each section. Let's start by writing down, say, five of your own behaviors that you would like to change, especially when you see that behavior in others. These are things like showing up late, not returning emails or calls, talking with your mouthful, interrupting, lying, yelling, defending, demanding. There's a lot of possibilities there. So go ahead, hit the pause button. I'll wait. Now I'm going to walk you through the Conflict Capacity Scale. To start, think about a recent argument you had with a boss, a coworker, or a family member. Somebody did something, and you got upset, maybe really upset. The first question is, what was your trigger? Next, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10…
