From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 2 (220-1102) Cert Prep: 6 Networking

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Working with connections

Working with connections

- At any given moment, your computer is going to be connecting to all kinds of stuff, not only on your local area network but also out to the internet. All of these connections are something we need as techs to be able to inspect and monitor. Now, there's a lot of different ways to do this but the well knowledged tech will be using in Windows the netstat command. The netstat command basically goes show me all the statistics for all the different types of connections, TCP or UDP. It'll show ICMP, but those go so quick they tend not to track very quickly. So really TCP and UDP connections on your particular system. So let's take a look at netstat. You just run netstat from a command prompt, N E T S T A T. Now running it by itself is kind of interesting, a little slow. Now what I want you to take a look at as this thing's loading up, it says what protocol? This is the local address of my computer right here. This is my…
