From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Windows WSL2: Start ZooKeeper and Kafka

Windows WSL2: Start ZooKeeper and Kafka - Kafka Tutorial

From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

Windows WSL2: Start ZooKeeper and Kafka

Okay. So now that Windows WSL2 is started, we can install a Kafka broker with Zookeeper. So it will look like this directly running on Windows WSL2. So for this it's very similar to the Linux instructions, will be starting Zookeeper using the binaries and then starting Kafka in another process using the binaries as well. So let's get started. Okay. So back on Windows, I'm going to clear my screen and I'm going to apply the exact same instructions as here. So for this, we're going to start Zookeeper first. And to do so, we need to run this command pointing to the configuration file of Zookeeper. So it's very easy. We're just going to copy this part right here, paste it in, and the only thing I need to change is the path to the zookeeper configuration file. Because if I just do press "Enter" right here, I'm going to get an error saying that I cannot find this file, okay, just because I have the wrong path. So just to clear it, make sure you are using the Kafka correct, the correct Kafka…
