From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Windows WSL2: Start Kafka in KRaft mode

Windows WSL2: Start Kafka in KRaft mode - Kafka Tutorial

From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

Windows WSL2: Start Kafka in KRaft mode

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and in this lecture, we're going to have a look at how to start Kafka in KRaft mode. So without Zookeeper on Windows WSL2. So just note that Kafka KRaft is production ready since Kafka 3.3.1 and this will be the only supported mode to run Kafka in starting with Kafka 4.0. And this mode, the KRaft mode, only works with Windows WSL2. So that means that after Kafka 4.0, you will have to run Kafka in KRaft mode on Windows WSL2, and these are the instructions for it. So for this you need to generate a cluster ID and format the storage using the Kafka command, and then you can start Kafka using the binaries in another process in WSL2. So let's get started. Okay. So I'm going to stop the Kafka right here. I'm going to stop Kafka and I'm going to stop Zookeeper as well. And I will only keep one window because we'll need one window for this tutorial. Next, we can go into the page here on Conduktor Kafk ademy to get the instructions that I wrote to…
