From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Theory roundup

Theory roundup

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and we're just going to look at all the things we learned in the Kafka theory section. So we've seen that a Kafka cluster can be made of multiple brokers. For example, I have nine brokers in my cluster. And we've seen within the cluster, we've seen the concept of topics, partitions, replication, we've seen the partition leader and inserting replicas, and we've seen the Kafka internal offsets topic. Now for producers, we've seen that they take data from a source system and whatever you want, and then they send data into Apache Kafka. We've seen the concept that round robin that means that the data is distributed across all partitions in a topic. Key based ordering. That means that when we specify a key, then the same key is going to end up in the same partition. And then acks strategy. So we had an introduction to acks equals zero, one and all to discuss how much acknowledgment we want when we write to a Kafka cluster. Okay. Next, we've seen the…
