From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Starting Kafka with Conduktor: Multi-platform

Starting Kafka with Conduktor: Multi-platform - Kafka Tutorial

From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

Starting Kafka with Conduktor: Multi-platform

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and welcome to this lecture on how to start Kafka using well conduktor. To me, it is the easiest way for you to get started with Apache Kafka because it's free. You're going to be able to start Kafka online without a credit card, and it will come with a UI that we built to help you speed up your development. So this Kafka cluster is going to be personal to you and online with multiple brokers and so on. So it's like a production cluster, but you should only use it for personal usage and learning purposes, which is perfect for this course. So to get started with conduktor, we're going to go to this URL and sign up and then we'll have access to your own Kafka cluster for free. So after this lecture though, if you want to keep doing everything online regarding creating topics, sending messages, consuming messages, you can just use the conduktor UI. But if you also want to learn how to use the command line interface tools, the CLI tools, then please…
