From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Setting up OpenSearch on the Cloud

Setting up OpenSearch on the Cloud - Kafka Tutorial

From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

Setting up OpenSearch on the Cloud

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and let's go to and here we are able to go to the pricing page and actually start on the free tier, a Free Sandbox Cluster that will have ElasticSearch or Opensearch and we need to have Opensearch. So let's select this tier. Then you need to enter your contact details. Next, you can answer a few questions around what you're going to do, but I will just click on no thanks and then click on Next. Finally a cluster name. I like to have it as KAFKA_COURSE. Now very important. We need to choose Opensearch 1.0.0 or whatever version of open is available, but in the one point something range. Okay? Do not choose ElasticSearch. So Opensearch 1.0.0. We're good to go and then we're going to use the AWS, EU West Ireland region just because I'm close to it. But again, you could, for example, use one of these other regions if you're close to the US or if you're in the Asia Pacific, you can go to Sydney. So let's provision this cluster and there is an…
