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Setting up OpenSearch on Docker

Setting up OpenSearch on Docker

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and welcome to this lecture where I'm going to show you how to start Opensearch project with Docker. So I've created this docker dot compose yaml file and you may have already these signs in your InteliJ community IDE. If not, you need to go and install a plugin. So to do this you need to go to preferences and then you go to plugins and in this plugin you will type in Docker and you will find the Docker plugin and click on install. This is just to enable you to use Docker directly from IntelliJ, which is quite nice. And then make sure you have Docker started and then the next thing you have to do is just click on these two arrows and then you can start your Kafka Consumer ElasticSearch and start your containers. And the goal of this is just to have two things started on your computer. The number one thing to be starting is Opensearch, which is going to be your database, and the other one is Opensearch dashboards, which are going to be able to give…
