From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Safe Kafka producer settings

Safe Kafka producer settings

Hey, this is Stephane from Conduktor and I'm going to summarize now the Kafka producer defaults and how to have a safe producer. So since Kafka 3.0, the producer is safe by default and you do not need to do anything. So acks equals all minus one. Enable idempotence is equal to true. But if you're using Kafka 2.8 and lower, then the producer defaults are going to be acks equals one and enable idempotence equals false. No matter what, even 3.0 or 2.8 and lower, I would definitely recommend using a safe producer whenever possible, especially if you don't want to lose any data. So the other recommendation I have for you is to always use upgraded Kafka clients to make sure that you can send data into Apache Kafka with the highest guarantee and the highest safety. So since Kafka 3.0 is safe, you can upgrade your clients or otherwise you would set manually in your program acks equals all to ensure data is properly replicated before an act is received. You would set min in sync replica equals…
