From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Real-world project overview

Real-world project overview

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and in this section we're going to go and implement a real world project with our Kafka skills. So this is a programming section in which we're going to get data from Wikimedia as a stream through a Kafka producer into Apache Kafka topics. And then we're going to create a Kafka consumer that will take this data and send it to OpenSearch. So this is a Java programming class, but we are going to learn a lot of Kafka related concepts in this section. So even if you don't do programming, please stick around and watch the lectures above the programming lectures and you will learn a lot about Kafka still, okay. If you are a Java developer and you're up for the task, you can try to implement this on your own. So the Wikipedia stream is going to be right here. I will provide you the link in the next text lecture and you can also look at demos into how this can be used at these two different links and we'll look at them in the next lectures as well. So once…
