From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Programming: Advanced tutorials

Programming: Advanced tutorials

So in the course I used to walk you through some very, very advanced examples of a Kafka consumer, and they're all here in the advanced folder when you've done with the code. So it's consumer demo assigned seek, consumer demo rebalance listener and consumer demo threads. These were advanced demos and sometimes way too complicated for everyone and not for a beginner Java programmers. I would say, okay. So I don't want to go over them because they're quite advanced and they're not necessary to really be a Kafka expert yet I want to still include them. And so therefore, if you are interested into consumer demo doing, assign and seek to read from a specific offset manually or if you want to do a rebalance listener to be really, really careful about when these rebalances happen or if you want to run consumer demo in threads. So you want to run your consumer in threads so that you can do something else in the main thread. Then these examples are for you. If what I said is of no interest to…
