From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Producer acknowledgments deep dive

Producer acknowledgments deep dive - Kafka Tutorial

From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

Producer acknowledgments deep dive

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and we are going to learn about producer acknowledgments or the acks setting. So we see that producer sends data into our Kafka cluster, which hosts specific topic partitions, and then the writes are sequential. But when producers send data into the brokers, they can choose to receive some acknowledgments of data rights. They're basically acknowledgments of receipts. So we have acks equal 0, and that means that the producer is not going to wait for an acknowledgments, which is a possible data loss and actually doesn't even request a acknowledgement, and we'll see this why it leads to data loss in the next slide. We have acks equals 1 to wait for broker leader acknowledgement, which presents a limited data loss opportunities, and then we'll show you why as well in the future slide. And then we have acks equals all, or also minus one is the same value, which is that the leader and the replicas have to acknowledge the data writes which leads to no data…
