From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Producer acknowledgments and topic durability

Producer acknowledgments and topic durability - Kafka Tutorial

From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

Producer acknowledgments and topic durability

Hi, this is Stephane from conduktor and I just want to introduce one more topic on producer acknowledgments that we'll explore in depth later on this course. But I just want to introduce the concept to you right now. So we have the producer sending data into our brokers. Okay. Now we know that brokers have the topic partitions. And so the producers can choose to receive acknowledgments of data writes. That means to have the confirmation from the Kafka broker that the write did successfully happen. So we have three settings and we have acks equals zero, which means that the producer is not even going to wait or ask for an acknowledgment. That means that we have a possible data loss because if a broker goes down, we won't know about it. Then we have acks equals one, which means that the producer is going to wait for the leader of a partition. And this is very important that we understand, not whether leader is. So it's going to wait for the leader broker to acknowledge and that means we…
