From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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OpenSearch consumer: Project overview

OpenSearch consumer: Project overview - Kafka Tutorial

From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

OpenSearch consumer: Project overview

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and in this section we're going to implement an open source consumer and have a look at main consumer configurations. So we're first going to set up the project and the goal of it is to create a Kafka consumer that will take data from our topic and send it into an OpenSearch database. So OpenSearch is an open source fork of ElasticSearch. And to set it up, we have a couple of options. Either we can use a managed solution online available, for example, at, which is a very easy setup to do. Or if you know Docker, you can run locally OpenSearch using Docker and I will show you how to do both just to make sure that I address the needs of everyone. Also, you can use Java libraries to write this Kafka consumer, for example, the OpenSearch rest high level client, which I think is nice to use and very explicit. All right, good luck and I will see you in the next lecture for the implementation.
