From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

OpenSearch 101

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and in this lecture, we're going to practice using OpenSearch, which is use which is the same as ElasticSearch. Okay. We'll use the REST API using OpenSearch dashboard or the online console to send some commands and see how ElasticSearch or Opensearch works. We're going to follow this tutorial right here, so let's go to the URL. So I have open the quickstart instruction on the right hand side and we're going to customize them a little bit just to make sure they work both on this console right here and this console right here. Okay. So we're going to first run a session to get information about OpenSearch. So you just do get on slash and then empty contents. You click on play and then you have access to some information around OpenSearch. Same here for the dev tools we can do is you can do just get star and then click to send request. And it's again going to give you some information around OpenSearch. So, so far, so good. All right. Next, we can create our first index. So indexes are where data is going to be stored in OpenSearch. And so for this, we need to look at this command and we go to /my first index and it has to be a put. So let's do put /my first index and press click to send request. And as you can see, it's going to create my first index. It was acknowledged and it was created. So this worked on OpenSearch dashboards. And if you do a put here of my first index and then click on the play button again, the index is also created. Okay. So both these things worked. Now we can add some data to the newly created index so we can send some JSON documents into the index to be indexed, of course. So we'll go to /my first index/_doc/ one to create a doc with ID one. So /my first index/ _doc/ one. It's going to create a documentation, a document with ID one and my first index. And then for the content type, it's JSON. We going to specify it and here we can copy all of this, which is the JSON. So I'll copy it, paste it here. So there's a description to be or not to be. That is the question. Cool. We press on play and then here we go. The result was that it was created and then in it we have access to some information. All right. So this is good. This worked here so we can just copy and paste that here. And then we need to do a put and then add in the JSON document right under. Click on play. And yes, again, it was created. Cool. Now we can retrieve the data to make sure that it was added properly. And to do so, we need to do a get. We don't need any JSON, so I can remove this. We press click on send and here send. And now we have some information. So this belongs to the index my first index, the ID is one, and then we have the source, which is a source of the document which contains the JSON we just send. So description to be or not to be. That is the question. And this request right here is also valid here. So get and we're going to remove the contents and then play and as well we get some source information with the description. So we are able to add some data, to retrieve some data and then we can delete the document. So we just do a delete right here. Play and it has been deleted. Results deleted. Good. And here as well I do a delete. Play and then it has been deleted as well. Very good. And finally, we can also, if we wanted to delete the index, so you remove this, you delete the index, and then you remove this and the index has been deleted. So it looks like a very simple database operation. So we create an index, we add some data, we retrieve the data, we delete the data, and finally we delete the index. Okay. So fairly easy, but this is a good introduction to ElasticSearch or OpenSearch because then in the next lecture I'm going to show you how to do this from our Java code. And this is where we'll start writing some code to take data from Kafka and send it to OpenSearch. All right. So that's it for this lecture. I hope you liked it and I will see you in the next lecture.
