From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Linux: Start ZooKeeper and Kafka

Linux: Start ZooKeeper and Kafka

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and now that we have downloaded the binaries and set up the path, we can start a Kafka cluster with one broker that is linked to Zookeeper. So we will first start Zookeeper using the binaries and then we will start Kafka using the binaries in another process. So let's get started. Okay. So next we're going to start Kafka now that we have set up the binaries. So to do so, very simple. We're just going to go back to this. And so we've installed Kafka. I will scroll down and we're going to first start Zookeeper. So to do so, we can just do this part of the command right here and then we need to pass in the properties files of Zookeeper. So let's do copy this part and I will show you exactly what this command does. So let's paste it. So zookeeper server start .sh represents the command to start Zookeeper and then we have to pass in a properties file. Okay. So if you don't do this, it's going to give you an error and say you need to have a…
