From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Linux: Download and set up Kafka in PATH

Linux: Download and set up Kafka in PATH - Kafka Tutorial

From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

Linux: Download and set up Kafka in PATH

Okay. So we are going to set up the Kafka binaries for Linux. And even if you have started Kafka using conduktor, you should do this step to be able to use the Kafka CLI commands in the next lectures. So to do so, we're going to install Java JDK version 11. Then we're going to download the Kafka binaries from the Kafka website. We'll extract the content on Linux, and then we'll edit the path environment variable to get easy access to the Kafka entries and start our commands. So let's go ahead and set up Kafka on Linux. Okay. So I am on the conduktor kafkacademy website. This is instructions that I wrote for you to take them offline if you want to, and we're going to follow these instructions to install Kafka with Zookeeper on Linux. So we're first going to install Java JDK 11. And to do so I go into the Amazon Linux page install page, okay, right here. And then I'm going to look at the instructions for Debian based because I'm using Ubuntu and then the instructions are right here. So…
