From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Kafka topics naming convention

Kafka topics naming convention

So here is a short lecture on topic naming conventions. So naming a topic is what I call free for all. You can do whatever you want, but it's better to enforce guidelines in your cluster to ease management. So you're free to come up with your own guideline and there's a very nice blog post that I'm going to describe here that describes how you can name topics and has some good recommendations. So from this link, you have the idea that you can do message type .dataset name, .data name, .data format. Message type could be, for example, logging, queueing, tracking, streaming, whatever you want, okay, push user you have different things. Then the data set name is similar to how you would name a database in a traditional RDBMS system. So it's used as a category to group topics together, and then the data name itself would be similar to what a table would be in a database. And it's fine to use dot annotation, but you can use whatever you want. You can have as many dots in your data sets as…
