From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Kafka Streams introduction

Kafka Streams introduction

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and in this lecture, we're going to do a small and quick introduction into Kafka Streams. So we know that our Kafka cluster currently has a topic called wikimedia recentchange and we want to perform some computation on it in real time. For example, we want to count the number of times a change was created by a bot versus a human, or analyze the number of changes per website, for example, if it's or Also, we want to know the number of edits on the 10 second slice as a time series. So we could use for this a producer and a consumer and you can achieve it, but it's going to be very low level, not developer friendly and very not easy to do. Instead, we can use a Kafka Streams application. So Kafka Streams application is going to be reading from this topic. You can write your DSL, so we'll write some code for Kafka Streams application and then it will be outputting the stats for the bots, the stats for the websites and…
