From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Kafka security

Kafka security

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and welcome to this lecture on Kafka security. So I'm going to just give you an intro to Kafka security again. It takes a whole course to really dig deep into it, but I want to give you a high level overview which explains the need for security. So the way we have Kafka set up is that currently any client can access your Kafka cluster, so that means we have no authentication. Then any clients can publish and consume on any topic data. That means we have no authorization and all the data that is transmitted between your clients and Apache Kafka is going to be non-encrypted. It's going to be fully visible on the network. So we have no encryption. So that means that the risk of running Kafka as is on plaintext 9092 is that someone can intercept the data being sent, someone could publish bad data or even steal data from your Kafka cluster, and someone, for example, could delete topics. So all these reasons is that as soon as you have a Kafka cluster in…
