From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Kafka Schema Registry hands-on

Kafka Schema Registry hands-on

This is Stephane from Conduktor and in this lecture we're going to start the schema registry and start using it. So using the Docker file we had from before, we can start Kafka and the schema registry and Conduktor configured properly. So once we'll be using the conductor platform, we'll be able to play with the schema registry. So we will create a schema and then we'll send data using a producer into Apache Kafka using that schema, and we'll consume the data using a consumer as well. So this is the type of architecture we'll be having and we'll be using the Avro type of data in our exercise and we'll look as well as schema evolution to see whether or not our producer or consumer can send and retrieve data from Kafka. So just as a reminder, under Conduktor platform and docker-compose.yml, you have started the services. If not, click on this button to make sure the services are running and you will have Zookeeper. Kafka is here and of course in the bottom we have the schema registry…
