From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Kafka Connect introduction

Kafka Connect introduction

So let's do an introduction to Kafka Connect. So, for example, you think you're not the first person out there that is going to try to find a way to get data out of Twitter or Wikimedia or maybe you're not the first person in the world who's trying to send the data into a database, for example, from Kafka to PostgreSQL or ElasticSearch or MongoDB or OpenSearch or whatever you want. And the bugs you'll have, maybe someone else will have them as well and have them fixed before. So Kafka Connects comes in because it's all about reusing code and reusing connector to simplify your life. So why Kafka Connect? Well developers in the end they kind of want to import data always from the same sources. So databases, JDBC Couchbase GoldenGate. You can read them all here. Okay. And there's obviously a lot more. And programmers usually want to store data in the same targets, the same sinks. So S3, ElasticSearch, GFS, JDBC and so on. So this is where Kafka Connect comes in, where you use a source…
