From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Kafka cluster setup high-level architecture overview

Kafka cluster setup high-level architecture overview - Kafka Tutorial

From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

Kafka cluster setup high-level architecture overview

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and welcome to this section where I'm going to describe you how Kafka is used in the enterprise as Kafka administrators. So this is just an introduction and I think each content is its own course. So talking about a course, I have a course dedicated to you the Kafka cluster setup, but I'll give you a high level overview of how it works. So you want brokers in multiple data centers also called racks in order to distribute your load and make sure you are not centralizing your failure points. You also want to use a cluster of at least three Zookeeper if you're using Zookeeper. So this is a classic Kafka setup in AWS where we have three availability zones. So US Eat 1A, US East 1B and US East 1C, and then in each AZ we have one Zookeeper and two Kafka brokers. So this is a cluster with three Zookeeper and six brokers. Now the Zookeeper is our helped, our helping just to manage the Kafka brokers. But you can have more than six Kafka brokers if you want…
