From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

Java producer with keys

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and in this lecture, we're going to look at how to send, okay, messages in Kafka with keys. So we're going to send non-null keys to the Kafka topic, and then we'll observe the behavior that same key goes to the same partition you remember? And so what happens? Well, the key is going to be an ID we define, and then the data with the same key will always go to the same partition. Okay. So this is the same when we had this truck ID and the truck ID 123 was always going to be in partition zero and truck ID 345 always going to be in partition one. So let's observe this behavior by adding a little bit of programming. Okay. so let's duplicate the producer demo with callback and I'm going to call it producer demo Keys. Next, I'm going to scroll down. I will remove this batch size. I will remove the Partitioner class because we don't need it. I don't need this for loop. I will just loop on 10 messages back with my I and I will also remove anything related to sleeping. So now my code looks good, I believe. And I go back one level of tabs and we're good. Okay. so now we're going to be sending some keys. So to do so, first let's go and create externalize some, some things. So the string topic equals demo Java, and then we're going to say that the key is going to be ID underscore and then I so ID one, ID two, ID three ID four and so on. And then the value is a string as well. And the value we have it right here. It's Hello world plus I. So let's have it here. Okay. And what we want to see is that the same keys goes to the same partition. So how do we do this? Well, first of all, in this producer record, I'm going to edit it and I'm going to add the key. So I'm going to replace the arguments by topic, key, and value. So now we have three arguments and that's why I externalize them. So we have topic, key, and value. And in the callback itself, now I'm just going to strip it to the most important information. So we have this most important thing is going to be the key in the partition. So I'm going to have key is metadata.key, the key itself. Sorry. So I'm going to just say key. And then the other thing that's important is the partition. So key is there and then I'm going to remove this new line as well, I don't need it, and I'm going to have partition as a space and a okay partition being equals to metadata to partition, just to really isolate as much as possible the information we need. And we're going to run this twice so I can actually have an external for loop. So for int j=0 and then j< 2, j++ . We run the same commands. So that means that we're going to produce multiple message with the same key and we'll see whether or not they end up in the same partition. So let's run this code right now. And we start seeing some outputs. So my first batch is my first 10 messages. So we see that ID zero goes to partition one, ID eight goes to partition one, and then again things get sent very quickly. Actually, I should probably add a sleep in there just to send the batch away. So I will have thread that sleep for 500 milliseconds just to separate my two batches. And I will surround this to with try catch and I will also have a little bit, okay, we're good. That should be good. So now we actually going to produce this again and observe the behavior we want. Okay. So it's better. So we have ID one, ID three, and ID six, they go to partition zero. We have ID two, ID four, and ID five, seven, and nine, they go to partition two. And we have ID zero, eight that go to partition one and then we send the second batch. So we send again ID two, we send again ID four, ID five. And as you can see, these IDs two, four and five that go to partition two are the exact same two, four and five that went to partition two before and so on. So ID seven goes to partition two, ID nine goes to partition two and so on. So we can see here and we've demonstrated that the same key goes to the same partition. And we've also seen as part of this lecture how to send a key in a producer record. And that's something you can verify in here in the Conduktor console. If we have a look at some messages, we can see now that the key gets sent. So ID zero, hello world zero, ID eight, hello eight and then if you go to the metadata, you can have a look at the partition as well. All right, so that's it for this lecture. I hope you liked it and I will see you in the next lecture.
