From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Creating a Kafka project

Creating a Kafka project

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and welcome to this lecture. So in this lecture, we're going to set up our Kafka project with a Java language to start programming against Kafka. And to do so prerequisites is that you should have downloaded and installed IntelliJ community ID. This is the development environment I'm going to use to program, and you can use the one you want if you wanted to. If you're a VS Code fan or if you're an Eclipse fan, you can do this, but it will be harder for you to follow along with me. Also, you need to install Java 11 JDK. So I liked Amazon Corretto 11 so you can Google it and find link for Linux Windows or Mac. Okay. But if you have, for example, the Oracle Java JDK for 11, it's fine as well. If you go as well for say version 17, I think it's good as well. But I know that 11 is working. This is why I recommend you to install Java 11 JDK. Next is there is a question. Sometimes when you start with a Java project, people ask me, should I start with Maven…
