From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Consumers and deserialization

Consumers and deserialization

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and welcome to this lecture on Kafka Consumers. So we've seen how to produce data into your topic, but now we need to read data from that topic. And for this, we're going to use consumers. Consumers implement the pool model. That means that consumers are going to request data from the Kafka brokers, the servers, and then they will get a response back. It's not the Kafka broker pushing data to the consumers, okay? It's a pull model. So we have an example with three topic partitions that contain data, and then one consumer may want to read from topic A partition 0, and it's going to read the data just like this. And another consumer may choose to read for more than one topic partition. So it may choose to read data again from partition 1 and partition 2. So the consumers, when they need to read data from a partition, they will automatically know which broker, which Kafka server to read from. And in case a broker has a failure, the consumers are again…
