From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Consumer internal threads

Consumer internal threads

Hi, this is Stephane from ConduKtor and here is an advanced lecture. I don't blame you if you don't hang on till the end, that describes how consumer work in Kafka and what can happen when you run with them for a long time. So you have a consumer group application with three consumers and the consumers in a consumer group they talk to something called a consumer group coordinator, and there is an acting broker, and this is used to detect whether or not your consumers are still up. So there is a heartbeat mechanism, okay, and there's a poll mechanism. So the heartbeat thread is going to be your consumers sending messages to the broker once in a while saying they're still alive. Okay. And the poll thread is going to be other brokers thinking your consumers are still alive because there are still requesting data from Apache Kafka. So these two mechanisms together capture a lot of issues that can happen with your consumers. And so we'll have a look at these in details. Okay. But overall…
