From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Consumer delivery semantics

Consumer delivery semantics

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and so now let's have a look at delivery semantics in Apache Kafka. So we have first at most once and at most once is when offsets are committed as soon as the message is received and if the processing goes wrong, then the messages will be lost because they won't be read again. So let's have an example. So we are reading a batch from our consumer, from our consumer group, and then right after reading this batch, we commit the offsets. Then we start to process data, for example, sending an email. So we send it for this one, this one and this one. And then all of a sudden this consumer from the consumer group goes away. What happens is that this measured message and this message are not being processed because the consumer crashed before processing them. So the consumer restarts and when it restarts, it's going to read from where the data was less committed. That means that the data is going to be read from here, here and so on. So that means that…
