From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Changing a topic configuration

Changing a topic configuration

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor and welcome to this section on Advanced Kafka Topic Configurations. So we're going to set topic configurations, but whY should you even care about topic configurations. So the brokers, they come with defaults for all the topic configuration parameters and these parameters will impact the performance as well as your topic behavior. And so therefore, for some topics you may need to set a different values for these configurations than the defaults coming with the brokers. So it could be a different replication factor, a different number of partition, message styles, compression level, log cleanup policy, min insync replicas as well as other configurations. So a list of all the Kafka configurations for your topics can be found here on this URL. And so in this lecture I'm going to show you how to set a topic configuration. We will be setting the min insync replicas to 2 to 4 one of our topics. So to set a topic configuration, let's first create a topic…
