From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Case study: MySocialMedia

Case study: MySocialMedia

Okay. So a new case study for MysocialMedia and will use CQRS, which stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation, which I think is an interesting model to know about. So MysocialMedia is a company and it allows people to post images and others to react by using likes and comments. So just, you know, a social media websites and the business wants the follow in capability. The user should be able to post, like, and comment and the user should be able to see the total number of likes and comments per post in real time. And there is a high volume of data to be expected because we're going to launch on day one and we need to have crazy high throughput. Now the user should also be able to see trending posts. So there's a lot of requirements, right? How would you do this in Kafka? So think about it for a minute. Get to the drawing board and get back to this video. Okay. So let's have a look at a possible architecture using CQRS. So we have three topics that I think are going to be…
