From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Case study: MyBank

Case study: MyBank

Okay. so now we have MyBank. And MyBank is a digital bank that allows real time baking for its users. And it wants to deploy a brand new capability to give users alerts in real time in case there is a very large transaction that happened and it's probably a fraud, right? So the transaction data already exists in one of the databases. It's a SQL database and it's already there. The thresholds can be defined by the users through their apps, they can be changed at any time. And obviously the application should react to it right away. And alerts must obviously be sent in real time to the users. If they're sent with a bit of delay, the users can't take action fast enough and people lose money. So how would we implement this in Kafka? I'll let you think for a while and I'll give you the solution right now. Okay. So here's our architecture. I'm thinking there must be a bank transactions topic, that's for sure. Right. But someone told me that all the bank transactions is already in a…
