From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Case study: GetTaxi

Case study: GetTaxi

Okay. So new case study and this time our company is GetTaxi, and GetTaxi is a company and it allows people to match with taxi drivers on demand right away. And the business comes to you and say, we want to build a business and we want the following capabilities. The user should match with a close by driver. The pricing should surge if the numbers of driver are low or the number of users is high, and all the position data before and during the trip should be stored in an analytics store so that the cost can be computed accurately and we have access to the data for whatever data science we need to do. So again, take some time to pause and figure out how you would implement this using Kafka. Got it? All right. Let's get to the solution. So just a proposition of the architecture, but I'm thinking there should be a user position topic. And user position is a topic that contains all the user's position when they open their app and leave it open, because we need to know where the users are.…
