From the course: Complete Guide to Apache Kafka for Beginners

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Brokers and topics

Brokers and topics

Hi, this is Stephane from Conduktor. And in this lecture, we're finally going to learn about the Kafka brokers. So a Kafka cluster is an ensemble of multiple Kafka brokers, and a broker is just a server. Okay. But in Kafka, they're called brokers because they receive and send data. So a Kafka broker is going to be identified with an ID, which is an integer. And so, for example, we're going to have broker 101, broker 102 and broker 103 in our cluster. Now each broker is going to contain only certain topic partitions. That means that your data is going to be distributed across all brokers, and we will see how in the next slide. And then there is a very specific aspect in Kafka that I will describe as well in the next slides, which is called that after you connect to any Kafka broker, also called a bootstrap broker, then the clients or the producers or the consumers will be connected and know how to connect to the entire Kafka cluster because the Kafka clients have a smart mechanics for…
