From the course: Communicating with Emotional Intelligence

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Why emotional intelligence matters

Why emotional intelligence matters

- I do some communication coaching for an accounting firm. Before I worked with them, they had already done in-depth emotional intelligence training with every one of their partners. I'm loving this approach, so I asked why did you focus on emotional intelligence? And you know what they said? Because of the research that backs emotional intelligence. Research like this. Emotional intelligence boosts the bottom line performance of your organization and wins bonuses for you. Study after study shows a positive and significant relationship between EI and job performance. Whether you're studying healthcare workers, accountants, students or office workers, emotional intelligence enhances job performance. In one study of a global food and beverage company, researcher, David McClelland, found that when senior managers had a critical mass of EI capabilities, their divisions outperformed yearly earning goals by 20%. And that…
