From the course: Communicating with Emotional Intelligence

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Understand others' views

Understand others' views

- Empathy is fundamental to emotional intelligence, but it's on the decline. In a study by Sarah Konrath, college students in 2010 had 40% less empathy than college students had back in 1979. Empathy is our ability to imagine life from another's perspective, to walk in someone else's shoes. And here are some ways to jumpstart your empathic imagination. Play a game I call five innocent reasons, I use this game with students and my coaching clients, I tell a story that typically generates a negative judgment. For example, you're a student and you say hi to your professor in the hallway, but she walks right by you without saying a word. Your assumption is, oh, she hates me or what a snob! Now your job is to create five explanations that assume no ill will on the part of the professor. Let's try it here, pause the video and think of five innocent reasons that it could explain that behavior. So how did you do? Did you…
