From the course: Communicating with Emotional Intelligence

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- Three of us were standing around at the office, griping about a parking situation that had come up. The conversation sounded something like this. Tatiana said, "Can you believe they closed down the garage and the surface lot at the same time?" And I'm like, right? What a stupid idea to do this now, instead of back in the summer, when hardly anyone is on campus. We stood there venting and complaining about the parking situation for a minute or so. And then Tim smiled and said, "Well, I doubt that the Dean woke up one morning and said," "Hey, I know let's close down all the parking at the most inconvenient time possible." He said, "I don't know much about construction. Other than it often seems to take longer than anyone could have expected." With that gentle nudge I said, yeah, we did have a ton of rain this summer, which could really mess up a construction schedule. And Tatiana said, "I can't even imagine how…
