From the course: Communicating with Emotional Intelligence

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Showing you're listening

Showing you're listening

- Early in our marriage, I was talking while my husband was getting ready for work. He's tying his shoes, checking his wallet. And I finally said, you know what? I'll just tell you this when you can actually listen. He said, I'm listening. And sure enough, he repeated back exactly what I'd been saying. I stood there for a minute, and then I said, well, it doesn't count because you didn't look like you're listing. My angry comment held a lot of truth. You may be a great listener at work, but if you don't look like you're listening, it doesn't count. If I were to ask you right now to show me that you are paying total attention to this video, as if your life depended on it, what changes would you make? We look like we're listening when we sit up, lean in, make eye contact. You may need to adjust your camera when video conferencing, especially if you work with dual monitors. Make sure you can look at the other person's face…
